Configuring Rosey

Rosey can be configured through CLI flags, environment variables, or configuration files. Values will be merged from all sources, with CLI flags overriding environment variables, and environment variables overriding configuration files.

#Config files

Rosey will look for a rosey.toml, rosey.yml, or rosey.json file in the directory that you run Rosey.

# rosey.yml
source: _site
dest: _site_translated
npx rosey

#Environment variables

Rosey will load any values via a ROSEY_* environment variable.

export ROSEY_DEST="_site_translated"
ROSEY_SOURCE="_site" npx rosey

#CLI flags

Rosey can be passed CLI flags directly.

npx rosey --source _site --dest _site_translated

#Common options

See the documentation for each Rosey subcommand for the available options. Some CLI flags are always available:

CLI Flag Description
-V, --version Print the version of the Rosey package
-h, --help Print general help information
<command> -h, <command> --help Print help information about a subcommand
<command> --config-dump Print the config as sourced from all sources, then exit
<command> --verbose Print verbose logs while running the Rosey CLI