Rosey Build

Rosey’s build command ingests your built static site along with any locale files, and produces a multilingual site ready to deploy.

#CLI flags


Runs a local webserver on the dest folder after a successful build.

CLI Flag

#Required options


The directory of your built static website (the output folder of your SSG build).

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--source <SOURCE> ROSEY_SOURCE source



The directory to output the multilingual site to. Defaults to your source directory suffixed with _translated

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--dest <DIR> ROSEY_DEST dest


The directory to read translated Rosey locale files from. Defaults to rosey/locales

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--locales <DIR> ROSEY_LOCALES locales

#Default language

The default language for the site (i.e. the language of ‘source.json’). Defaults to en

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--default-language <STRING> ROSEY_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE default_language


A regular expression used to determine which files not to copy as assets. Defaults to \.(html?|json)$

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--exclusions <REGEX> ROSEY_EXCLUSIONS exclusions

#Images source

The source folder that Rosey should look for translated images within. If omitted, Rosey will look for images in the source folder.

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--images-source <DIR> ROSEY_IMAGES_SOURCE images_source

#Redirect page

Path to a custom redirect template that Rosey should use for the base URL.

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--redirect-page <FILE> ROSEY_REDIRECT_PAGE redirect_page


The separator that was used between Rosey namespaces when generating keys. Defaults to :

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--separator <CHAR> ROSEY_SEPARATOR separator


The HTML attribute prefix that Rosey should read from. Defaults to data-rosey

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--tag <STRING> ROSEY_TAG tag