Rosey Generate

Rosey’s generate command ingests your built static site, and produces a base.json file containing all content that needs to be translated.

#Required options


The directory of your built static website (the output folder of your SSG build).

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--source <SOURCE> ROSEY_SOURCE source



The path to generate the Rosey base locale file to. Defaults to rosey/base.json

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--base <FILE> ROSEY_BASE base


The separator to use between Rosey namespaces when generating keys. Defaults to :

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--separator <CHAR> ROSEY_SEPARATOR separator


The HTML attribute prefix that Rosey should read from. Defaults to data-rosey

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--tag <STRING> ROSEY_TAG tag


The Rosey locale version to generate and build from. Version 1 should only be used for compatibility with legacy sites. Defaults to version 2

CLI Flag ENV Variable Config Key
--version <NUMBER> ROSEY_VERSION version