Rosey Checks File

The Rosey checks file highlights any discrepancies between your base translation file and your translated locale files, such as out of date or missing translations.

#Creating the checks file

At the end of your translation workflow, after running Rosey generate and creating translated locale files, you will have a rosey directory structure such as:

├─ locales/
│  ├─ fr-fr.json
│  └─ ko-kr.json
└─ base.json

With these files in place you can run the Rosey check command, which will generate a file in the following location:

├─ locales/
│  ├─ fr-fr.json
│  └─ ko-kr.json
└─ base.json
└─ checks.json

In this case, this new checks.json file contains a report on the state of the ko-kr and fr-fr locales compared to the base.json file. The contents of this file will look something like:

  "fr-fr": {
    "current": true,
    "baseTotal": 2,
    "total": 2,
    "states": {
      "unused": 0,
      "current": 2,
      "outdated": 0,
      "missing": 0
    "keys": {
      "title": "current",
      "content": "current"
  "ko-kr": {
    "current": false,
    "baseTotal": 2,
    "total": 2,
    "states": {
      "unused": 0,
      "current": 0,
      "outdated": 1,
      "missing": 1
    "keys": {
      "title": "outdated",
      "content": "missing",
      "name": "unused"

For each translated locale, and each translation key, one of the following statuses will be reported: